


11 September 2022


你想给每一个普通人的建议是什么? What advice would you give the average person in the U.S.?

巴菲特:对于可能会失去工作的人来说,其实很难有什么好建议。我父亲在1931年8月13号上班的时候发现他工作和存钱的银行已经倒闭了。当时他没有工作没有存款,还有两个小孩需要抚养。因此我的建议是尽可能对意外多做准备并且不要有贷款消费。如果你健康出现了问题,未来给你带来很多痛苦,并且会让你陷入债务。贷款消费是会害了你的。如果你赚了1美金,那么想办法只花其中的95美分,而不是想办法花1.05美金。你应该想办法提前做好准备而不是填补过去的问题,因为走出困境总是更加困难的事情。你应该去做那些你擅长的事情,并且你要为未来计划。人们在一切都好的时候并不愿意听从建议。而人性会让普通人赌上那些他们已经拥有的东西,去博取那些他们不一定需要的事物。查理曾经说过:“问题不在于如何致富,而是保持冷静” Buffett: It’s hard to give advice to someone who might lose their job. My Dad went to work on August 13, 1931 to find out the bank where he worked and held all our money had closed. He had no job and no money and two kids. You want to be as prepared as you can and you just don’t want to have debt. Medical problems cause a lot of the grief and lots of credit card debt. Credit cards are poison. If you make a dollar, only spend 95 cents, not $1.05. You should be ahead of the game all the time rather than behind as it is harder to work your way out of a hole. You want to play the game from strength, and you have to think ahead. People don’t always want to hear advice when things are going well. People risked everything they had and needed for something they didn’t have or need. Charlie once said, “The problem isn’t getting rich, it’s staying sane.
