


11 September 2022


Coca Cola 2013 Shareowners meeting Warren Buffett On Why He’ll Never Sell a Share of Coke Stock https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4p1_5bZ8I4M&t=245s

可口可乐首席执行官 Muhtar Kent:您能否谈谈美国,我们如何准备应对经济贸易政策、赤字、税收改革等方面的挑战? Coke CEO Muhtar Kent: Could you say a few words about the United States, how we’re prepared for meeting the challenges ahead in terms of economic trade policies, deficit, tax reform?

沃伦巴菲特:我们总是会遇到问题。但是,在我看来,世界历史上最幸运的人,就是今天在美国出生的婴儿。想想 1790 年,我们这里有 400 万人,世界上有数亿人。我们并不聪明,我们甚至没有比其他人更努力地工作。但是我们有一个释放人类潜力和发展机会的系统,一个容纳大量生产力的市场系统规则,难以置信。你想想 200 年前的样子,这里基本上什么都没有,而这个系统在我一生的时间里,为大家的生活水平改进了5倍。所以我们已经有了公式,而且还没有任何停下的迹象。我们看看过去 15 年或 20 年发生了什么吧。我们不断培养出像史蒂夫·乔布斯这样的人,而且这种现象还会继续。 Warren Buffett: We always have problems. But, Muhtar, the luckiest person, on a probability basis, in my view, that’s ever been born in the history of the world, is the baby being born the United States today. Just think about it in 1790, we had four million people here and there were hundreds of millions of people in the world. We weren’t smarter and we didn’t even work harder than other people are necessarily. But we had a system that unleashed human potential and that system – quality of opportunity, a rule of a market system as produced in abundance, you can’t believe I mean just just look about you think about what this looked like 200 years ago. There wasn’t anything here basically and it improves the standard of living in my lifetime six for one. So we we’ve got the formula and it hasn’t been exhausted remotely. Just look at what’s happened in the last 15 or 20 years, we keep turning out people like Steve Jobs and that’ll continue.

我们总会遇到问题。 自从我离开学校后,我就开始卖股票。 人们总是给我十个你不应该买它们的理由。 你一生都听过它们,但世界不属于悲观主义者,相信我。 你在做空幸福。 将幸福留在身边是生活很重要的一步。我们有这样的经济系统。 这是有效的系统。 你只需要以极其勤奋的热情和不断的努力去前进 We’ll always have problems. Ever since I got out of school, I used to sell stocks. People always give me ten reasons why you shouldn’t buy them. You’ve heard them all throughout your life but the world does not belong to the pessimists, believe me. You’re selling happiness. Having it at arm’s length away is a big part of it. The distribution systems been developed. It’s the right formula, Muhtar. It just has to be carried out with extreme diligence enthusiasm and every minute of the day
