


11 September 2022


一般来说,给自己进行的投资是最好的事情。任何能提升你的才能的事情都可以,这样没有人能夺走你的优势。他们(国家政府)可以出现巨大的亏损,钞票可以大幅贬值。你可能会遭遇任何事情。但是如果你有才能并且尽可能将其发挥,这就是一种资产。这不代表每个人都需要去读大学,但是这意味这你要想尽一切办法去进步。沟通技巧极其重要。我以前上过戴尔·卡耐基的课,大概花了我几百美金,而它的价值相当于一个大学文凭。至少我是这么觉得的。 Warren Buffett: Generally speaking, investing in yourself is the best thing you can do. Anything that improves your talents, so nobody can take away from you. They can run up huge deficits and the dollar can be worth far less. You can have all kinds of things happen. But if you’ve got talent yourself and you maximize your talent, you’ve got a terrific asset. It doesn’t mean everybody should go to college. But it does mean that anyway you find to improve. Communication skills are enormously important. I mean I took the Dale Carnegie course that might be a hundred dollars and it was worth a college degree. At least I thought it was.

https://youtu.be/d0XKtUXgpOw?t=13m5s 13 min 5 sec
